Educational Environments

linha met
Auditório Linear e Multinível


You can check several images of nursery environments with Metadil furniture.

Ambiente refeitório com móveis Metadil


You can see several images of dining rooms with Metadil furniture.

Sala de aula com móveis Metadil

Childrens line environments

You can check several images of childrens line environments with Metadil furniture.

Produtos na imagem: Mesas individuais 7018R, cadeira 4321, mesa de professor 70322 e lousas modulares Wallvision.

Elementary and high school environments

You can check several images of elementary and high school environments with Metadil furniture.

Sala de aula com móveis Metadil

Higher education and courses environments

You can check several images of higher education and courses environments with Metadil furniture.

Produtos na Imagem: Estantes para biblioteca 3BLO20, mesas para biblioteca 70162, mesas para biblioteca 70114 e cadeiras Aria 4711.


You will be able to see several images of library environments with Metadil furniture.

Sala Maker 7 scaled


You can check out several images of MakerSpace environments with Metadil furniture.

Convivencia Margherita Smuff

Living room

You can see several images of living spaces with Metadil furniture.

Sala de arte e música 1

Gallery art and music

You can check several images of art and music room environments with Metadil furniture.

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